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Thursday, 31 December 2009


The planned trip to Grantown on Spey did not come off due to the fact that the site I intended staying on for the break was under 5 feet of snow. If you are sensing a theme developing here, so am I. First Globespan and then my winter break, mind you I only lost the £20 deposit payed to the caravan site. I'll publish any future travel plans I have in mind to give others a fair chance of avoiding disapointment.

Had a nice time at Christmas even if I didn't get the Canon EOS 7d I'd hoped for. Santa managed to somehow interpret Canon EOS 7d as a Nintendo DS (mental age of 10 which comes as no surprise to my wife).

Monday, 21 December 2009

First Week of Being Retired

Last day of work, Tuesday 17 December 2009, although some would claim I stopped working a few years before. It would seem to be a very good time to retire, just before Christmas, but I could also argue that anytime is a good time to retire. My last day was spent clearing out my desk, locker and other places I had stuffed a lifetime of crap on the basis that it would come in handy some day, but never did. I still struggled to throw it all out. Handed in my keys, uniform and other bits and pieces, said my farewalls and walked off into the sunset. Actually it was pissing down and blowing a howling gale. I will seriously miss the people, the cameraderie and if I'm 100% honest a large part of the job. Mind you, not enough to make me want to work on.

So here I am, 53 years of age, relatively fit and healthy, married, two grown up children, a grand daughter and a lot of time on my hands. My wife asked me what I was going to do with that time (she secertly hoped I would say get a job). I replied; I'll go hill walking, play golf and partake of my real passion, photography. Yes, that's all very well says my wife, but what are you really going to do?

So my first week was fairly relaxed, no that's a lie, I lost £1000 with the collapse of travel company Globespan. An absolute outrage that a company that is owed £136 million from a credit card clearing company can go out of business. On the up side, I should get my money back in three months because for the first time in years, I used a travel agent. How lucky am I?

Currently preparing for Christmas and the onslaught of goodwill that is heading my way. This goodwill usually means me doing all the cooking and providing all the booze.

As a precursor, my father in law managed to set his chip pan on fire last night. Thankfully, no serious injuries sustained. A couple of hours at hospital on a nebuliser revived him. Oven chips for him from now on.

I'm hoping to get out for a walk tomorrow depending on the weather. Ideally a nice crisp frosty morning and the opportunity to take some decent photos.

Planning to head to Grantown on Spey for 10 days on 27 December with my caravan.