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Thursday, 4 May 2017

Things Still Going Well

Well here we are, almost six years post op and still no recurrence of my TN. Best decision I ever made. I can't believe I resisted going for the MVD for so long. The only evidence that I had the op is the scar on my head which itches like crazy if I get too much sun on it and a very slight tingle on the left side of my face.

I do realise how blessed and lucky I am. I know of someone who had an MVD which only helped for a short time. I'm not in the least complacent and there's a bit of me thinks the pain will return at some point, but best get on with life and not fret over what might be.

I've been fortunate enough to travel extensively over the last six years and have further trips planned for this year. Golf is still a big part of my life and I try to get at least four rounds in a week.

So my health is where I want it to be, but am mindful that at 60+, if I don't look after myself, it could be a temporary state of affairs.

Onward and upward!
