Having suffered from this most horrendous and debilitating of conditions for around six years (I am never completely free of pain), I was always pretty positive in that when it was at its worst, it only ever lasted a few days. However, on Friday 29 May, the pain and sensitivity increased significantly for the first time in many months. If truth be told, I knew the pain had been getting worse for some time, but the consequences of a phased increase in my medication (Tegretol) usually mean that I become some mutant form of zombiefied Muppet and not a very nice person to be around (just ask my wife). Add the fact that I was on a weekend break at Moffat with my caravan and did not have enough medication with me, meant' I had a full day of excruciating nerve pain in my face. On a scale of 1-10 it came in somewhere around 8-9. The following day I felt well enough to drive home and pick up the pills and return to Moffat. I then increased the dosage too quickly, I suppose overdose is the technical term, which meant' I couldn't even walk in a straight line, speak without slurring etc. and guess what, no pain relief!!! The pain has subsided somewhat over the weekend, now around 4-5, probably due to a more measured and sensible approach to my medication. Its still bloody sore.
I try to remind myself that when someone says 'I know what its like' they are only trying to comfort me and don't deserve to be verbally abused.
On the upside, no one died. Onward and upward dear friends.
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