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Saturday, 18 December 2010


My wife underwent an operation yesterday at Crosshouse Hospital to tidy up a torn cartilage which had been causing her considerable discomfort for some time. I dropped her of at the day surgery unit at 8:00am and picked her up again at midday. She was told to rest for two days, but not being the most patient person in the whole world, she was trying to get back to normal after a couple of hours. On wakening this morning, she was not in the best of moods, probably due to the pain, and the realisation that she would indeed need to rest for a couple of days. So its largely over to me to do the running for her mother and step father for the next couple of days and tidy up the loose ends for Christmas.
On the TN front, still no pain and no apparent side effects from the medication other than sleeping the sleep of the dead at night.

Loch Doon

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