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Friday, 22 July 2011


Nothing much to report, especially on the TN front. I contacted my neurosurgeon's medical secretary and she told me I'm still on the list for an MVD, but not imminently which was disappointing. I feel like I'm in limbo at the moment. I can't really organise any holidays in case they try to contact me because the notice I'm given could be as short as a couple of days. However, things could be a lot worse, the pain could still be there.
I'm really struggling with the side effects of the drugs at the moment. Today has been particularly bad. I fell asleep in the shower after deciding that a shower would be the best thing to wash the cob webs from my brain. When I'm talking, mid sentence, I just cannot come up with the word I'm looking for. I also look at familiar objects, I know what they are, I know what they do, but I cannot for the life of me remember what they are called.
I had a brief meeting with my neurologist last Friday. She discharged me from her care as there is nothing more she can do for me at this time as I'm waiting for the MVD. I informed her about the side effects of the meds and she agreed that these were common side effects of Tegretol and Gabapentin. I asked her if they could be the reason for my bad gold to which she replied you're lucky you can see the ball taking that amount of meds. So hope for my golf yet then. There's always a positive for every negative.
I went to my favourite place for snaps at the Ballast Bank and was rewarded with a fantastic sunset albeit my very expensive digital shutter release went for a swim and has not worked since.
The Ballast Bank, Troon
The Ballast Bank, Troon

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