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Sunday, 7 November 2010


The pain has been at zero for the last few days and I have even managed to reduce the Tegretol (not a lot). I can now eat properly, wash; brush my teeth and a whole lot of other stuff I was unable to do because of the neuralgia. If I was asked to summarise the pain on this occasion, I would have to say it has not been the most painful, but is certainly has been the most persistent, almost two weeks worth. Previously, the trigger points have all been external e.g. wind blowing on my face, touching my face and so on, this time it all centred round the left side of my gums, teeth, tongue etc. I even thought about buying a gum shield at one point. Anyway, life is now back to some semblance of normality. I still haven't lost any sleep due to TN.
I visited the doctor last Tuesday. I thought it would just be as simple as getting him to refer me to a neurosurgeon. Wrong!!! He needs to refer me to the consultant anaesthetist I previously visited, who, if thought appropriate, will refer me to a neurologist, and then if deemed appropriate, will refer me to a neurosurgeon. God knows when that will be! I feel quite stupid because the pain consultant offered to refer me on at my first visit and because I was in no pain and have never viewed myself as being ill, I said "no, you have sick people to deal with".  Bloody stupid eh?
Nearly forgot to mention it, to cheer me up, I bought a new i7 Pentium, 8 GB RAM, 24" screen computer. Its the doggies do dah's!!

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