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Tuesday, 16 November 2010


The pain continued at a fairly low level all day yesterday which it has done on previous occasions. I felt well enough to go to my camera club and that's where things took a turn that I did not expect. About half way through the evening, the pain suddenly reached a level I had not previously known. It was during the judging of the projected images section of the competition so the lights were low and I was pretty sure that, initially, no one was aware of my distress. I was totally incapacitated. I could not, or would not move, any part of my body, such was the pain in my head, mainly centred around the left eye and left side of the scalp. This continued for about an hour, with sweat pouring from me. I was hoping that of the images I submitted, none would win that section. Guess what? One of them did. It was only then that a number of people realised the difficulty I was in. Anyway, to cut a long story boring, I eventually managed to gather myself together, leave the room and make my way to my car. The pain was still as bad as it had been earlier, and I was certainly in no fit state to drive. I called my wife who did the necessary. While I was waiting for her, the pain subsided, leaving me a physical and mental wreck. I was shown great kindness by members of the club, especially Jim, whose second name I don't now. He waited with me till the pain passed and he was sure I could look after myself.
This episode raises a number of issues for me;
1. this is the first time I've ever had a sustained attack in public
2. this attack occurred just 2 hours after taking a full dose of my medication...is it effective?
3. when will I have the confidence to be in the company of a group again?
My winning entry entitled 'After the Rain'
Corsewall Lighthouse Hotel

1 comment:

  1. HI This is Steve here,your co blogger and brother in pain...I understood every single excruciating single thread of pain you suffer.I live your pain as i read your account and share in your utter desperation in the ignorance we find in the medical profession. You write most eloquently and vividly and i took in every word. I will continue to read your account as in a perverse way it helps me.No one else can think of that pain level. THANK YOU
