Anyway, I got some nice shots of Greenan Castle after which I headed to the Ballast Bank at Troon for the best sunset ever (in my mind it's always going to be the best sunset ever). When I arrived it looked really promising, low cloud and a nice gap between the cloud and the horizon. While I was waiting I could see some squalls blowing in rapidly from north of Arran, really dark looking beasts. A heavy one hit the shore, fortunately I was still in my car. I noticed another photographer down on the rocks crouched low against the rain trying to shelter his kit. The rain passed as quickly as it arrived, leaving low cloud and a shimmering yellow horizon. I managed a few shots before the sun disappeared fully into the sea.
When I returned to my car, I met the other photographer. Turns out he was an online contact of mine through the Flickr website. It was the first time we'd met face to face. Another heavy shower of rain arrived just then, so it was only the briefest of formalities before we retreated to the shelter of our respective vehicles.
The following day, baby sitting duties. Both granddaughters, Faye age three (going on 23) and Beth age four months. Faye never gives her tongue a rest. Everything I say is met with a question seeking clarification. She's very much like her Grandmother in that respect. The little one seems to think the world is great place and does a lot of smiling and sleeping, except when she's hungry. I heard her chuckling for the first time yesterday. It's great having them, but it's also great handing them back.
I know I may come to regret this, but my TN seems to have deserted me completely at the moment. I don't have any symptoms at all, even the crawling sensation under my skin is gone. I'll stick with the medication meantime, just in case.
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