I took the outside Christmas lights down today while my wife saw to the internal decorations. I think she got the best of the deal as it was bitterly cold with a few flakes of snow in the wind. Now that I've been feeling 'better' for some time, we have decided to use some hotel accommodation vouchers we we were gifted for Christmas to visit the City of Bath for a couple of days. It should take us just over six hours to drive there which is no hardship as I enjoy driving. The journey is an opportunity to enjoy some good music and chat. I must remember if we get stuck in a traffic jam or lost, it's not my wife's fault :-) I hope to get the accomodation booked in the next couple of days.
I received some bad news through Facebook last night that a former colleague had died after a 'short illness'. He was my Bar Officer in the early 90's and was one of the most competent and capable cops that ever worked for me.
On the TN front, I have a very mild burning sensation on the left side of my scalp. It's not unpleasant; in fact if it was on the whole of my scalp, I probably wouldn't even notice it. I also have an odd feeling of tingling numbness on the left side of my tounge. Is there such a thing as 'tingling numbness'? Again not uncomfortable, but both things together let me know my TN is alive and well.
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