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Friday, 7 January 2011


Well, not my best ever day. I attended the funeral of a friend and former colleague who died at the age of 57 after a short illness. He retired from the Force in 2004 and the turnout from retired police officers was good to see. The minister gave a good old fashioned 'bible thumping' sermon and his daughter read a short and very touching poem. I'm sure he would have no complaints about his send off.
I've spent the last two days getting my dad's laptop up and running. It's strange that a man like him with a fantastic understanding of how the world fits together in terms of engineering, building, nature etc. is absolutely terrified of the dark arts of computing. Having said that he spends a lot of his time reading all sorts of technical papers he digs up through Google.
The movement under the skin on my face has settled, leaving a mild burning sensation, again not uncomfortable. TN is a bind but I suppose I should be thankful that I'm in no pain meantime. Onward and upward dear friends.

Dean Castle, Kilmarnock

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