I have an appointment with a Dr Suttner, consultant neurosurgeon, at the Southern General Hospital on 28 March. To be honest, I don't know what to expect. I'm still pain free, have little side effects from the meds and the only things that let me know that I still have TN are the crawling sensations on my face, tingling numbness on various parts of my body, twitching which is becoming more pronounced and my memory of the last 12 months. I can't see him offering me surgery given the fact there is no reason to and I would refuse in any case. Who knows, the pain might never return (in yer dreams big boy). So open mind and we'll see how it goes.
I went to Portencross the other night for the best sunset in the world. It turned out to be great that night. When I arrived there was a photographer, female model and a load of kit already on the pier and some fishermen/women happily going about their business all totally oblivious to each other. Oh, and me scrambling about the rocks, and I mean scrambling. I managed to slip and fall into a rock pool which was about two feet deep. I was not fully in it, but enough to be embarrassed about it. A fellow photographer who was nearby asked if I had hurt anything, ‘only my pride’ I replied. So wet up to the knees, I grabbed the shots below.
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