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Sunday, 6 February 2011


As the pain from my TN is nonexistent at the moment, I have very little to write about. Perhaps it highlights how dull my life is. Then I think about the things I could write about; my granddaughters, my wife, my two sons, my mum and dad, my search for a new caravan, photography, golf etc. The point being that there is plenty going on in my life to keep me interested and occupied. Now whether other people want to hear about the day to day comings and goings of my life when my TN is suppressed is another question. I’ll leave that one hanging meantime.
The weather here is absolutely miserable, 80mph horizontal rain, although it is slackening off somewhat. Better than snow I suppose.  That’s about it. Oh! I shared a bottle of wine with my wife over a meal at the weekend and despite the warnings on the medication I didn’t die. I’ll still keep it as a once in a while treat. A Fairtrade Chilean Merlot, very nice.
Finally, I’m starting to get aches and pains in my muscles and joints. I wonder if it’s the medication or the onset of arthritis (runs in the family). I’ll see how it goes and if it’s still an issue I’ll mention it to the Doc the next time I see him. 
Loch Tay

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