The Lee filters which I ordered last October finally arrived on Tuesday. For those who don't know what filters are, they fit on front of the camera lens and allow you to take longer exposures than would be normally possible. In the case of the 'Big Stopper' filter, it reduces the amount of light entering the camera by 10 stops and allows you to take really long exposures in daylight.
Yesterday was a beautiful day. I dropped my wife and her friends in Glasgow for a girlie day out and headed for the snow covered Glen Coe. When I arrived I was surprised to find that the only snow was on the highest reaches of the mountains. I stopped at Buachaille Etive Mor, the 'most photographed' mountain in Scotland due to its setting and symmetry. I was also surprised to find eight other photographers there. Form an orderly queue for the best spot please. I finished the day off at Portencross on the Ayrshire coast, around trip of almost 300 miles.
I'm really pleased with the filters; I should be a £370!!
On the TN front, still no pain, the only indication I have is the occasional mild crawling sensation on the left side of my face. I'm still on high doses of meds with no apparent side effects. I received a call from Jo at the Southern General Hospital in Glasgow which is the neurological hospital for the area I live in. I have an appointment there on the 23rd March.
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